Rogue One is the newest movie and is therefore the most recent piece of information we can draw from the Star Wars franchise. This movie is rather new, despite the fact that it feels like it was released lifetime ago, due to the constant release of content into our day to day lives. This is a rather highly praised movie and with good reason, because it holds many instrumental elements that make Star Wars the series that everyone has fallen in love with for decades. It has action and suspense, and more importantly, the Death Star. The Death Star seems to be the major thing that keeps on getting dredged up from the gutter and is reused almost constantly. It was the major point of conflict in almost every movie which can get old very fast, because they are rehashing the same old content. To be fair though “A New Hope”,”Revenge of the Sith” and “Return of the Jedi” were all way ahead of their time and had amazing fights and a story that captivated you from start to finish.
The other movies were a little flimsy though. The phantom menace had Jar Jar Binks who was incredibly annoying and constantly took you out of the movie. It was long, so very long and provided tedious explanations that involved… mediclorions? That is less excusable than the copout of saying magic. The menace was most certainly a phantom because we only get a glimpse of him at the 20 minute mark and we don’t see him until the end of the movie, where we barely know him and we have no character development in terms of the villain.
“Attack of the Clones” is a movie with awkward sexual tension and really weird fight scenes. Anakin is also very awkward with lines like “Love won’t save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that,” or “I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.” and finally “I’m haunted by the kiss that you should never have given me.” See what I mean? It feels like they are two aliens pretending to be humans and that romantic plot is what the trilogy depends on so heavily. Anakin and Obi Wan must protect the Padme, the queen of Naboo because she will be representing her people at the senate. Someone is trying assassinate her though because she wants to prevent the bill allowing a military movement to be dispatched against the separatists. Anakin and Padme fall in weird awkward love while Obi Wan does useful things and goes to geonosis to see what's happening with the clones. After a massive conflict between the droids and the clones, Anakin and Obi Wan get beat up by Count Dooku before Yoda shows up and helps out.
All information gathered here is from the Star Wars movies,
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