1.UFOs and Extraterrestrials
There have been many sightings of UFOs over the years, but a lot of them could be planes, helicopters, or dust in the lenses of a camera. But, do we really know that for sure? Some UFO sightings are described as things that we’ve never seen before, which could only leave a few options. Maybe, we aren't the only ones in this universe... but, there are no solid facts that extra terrestrials don't exist and at the same time, there aren't any facts that extraterrestrials do exist.
2. Bigfoot
There have been many sightings of “monsters” by many different people, but no one really knows if they truly exist. One of the most famous ones is BigFoot or the Sasquatch, and this has started a lot of discussions, because, for all we know, there is a possibility that these things may exist. This creature is said to live in the Himalayas and is said to be around 9 feet tall, 500 pounds and has footprints that are 24 inches long. Many people deny this after fake videos of sightings of bigfoot have been made, and it's most likely photoshop. But, as I said before, is it possible that this creature really exists? Who knows, maybe it is wandering around the woods or mountains waiting for someone to discover it?
3. The pyramid of Giza
The Pyramid of Giza is located in Egypt and is one of the world's biggest tourist attractions. The Pyramid is huge, and is made of massive stone blocks. These blocks are so big and heavy, and The Pyramid is so large and tall that it is almost impossible that humans actually built it, but experts in the field claim that it took around 400,000 men and 20 years to build. The Pyramid of Giza is especially famous because it is the largest Pyramid in the world, and there are theories that because of its shape it can tap into supernatural powers. Because of these supernatural powers, that can be real or not, the Pyramid of Giza is on our top 5 list.
4. The Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most sailed shipping lanes in the world and is responsible for many different disappearances of boats, aircrafts and other vehicles. Over the years, there have been cases where the reason for disappearance just can't be explained, but these are not very often. The first unexplained event was in 1950 when navy bombers were on a training mission in the triangle, when apparently things started getting abnormal and it was claimed that the waters turned green and that the planes flew off to Mars. It actually turns out, there isn't anything haunted or paranormal about the Triangle and that there are no more disappearances than other routes that are traveled as much as it.
5. The Oceans
The Ocean is something that humans are constantly exploring and constantly discovering. But, we are definitely not done any time soon, because we have only explored a bit less than five percent of the ocean, and considering 70% of Earth's surface is water, there's a ton left. We haven't explored the ocean because our submarines can't go that deep for that long so they are starting to use drones as an alternative. With the drones we are speeding up our exploration a lot, and discovering many more types of plants, coral and species. There is still over sixty-five percent of the ocean we have not explored, and who knows what we'll find next.
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