The Miami Marlins ace pitcher Jose Fernandez recently passed away on September 25th in a boating accident at the age of 24. Jose was with two other friends when the boat was flipped onto rocks. The boat was going its max speed of 55-65 km a hour in the night where it was very dark. The boat was found shortly after 3:15 in the morning. The two other men were also in their twenties but no names will be named until their relatives are notified. Police officer Lorenzo Volez says that they do not think that drugs were involved with the accident.
Jose Fernandez was more than a baseball player. His death was a loss to Miami, baseball and anyone who has ever met him. Jose was involved in anything he can do to give back and he was a very great and down to earth person according to his teammates. Jose was very close with his grandparents as he had their names tattooed under his bicep. In his first game pitching he never thought his grandparents would not show up but they flew in from the Dominican to see him.
The general manager of the team, Samson said "Jose is a member of this family for all time. His story is representative of a story of hope, and of love and of faith." he continued by saying Jose always had as much fun playing the game as a little kid. He had to stop there as he was very shaken up.
Jose Fernandez was born in Cuba and in 2008 moved to the United States. In 2011 he was drafted by the Miami Marlins. In 2013 he won the rookie of the year reward and was on the rise to be one of the best pitchers in the MLB. He was in his prime of his young career.
A week before his death Jose brought to instagram a picture of his girlfriend and her "baby bump" saying " I'm so glad you came into my life. I'm ready for where this journey is gonna take us together."
The Miami Marlins first game after his death was very emotional. The team shared so many great moments including going around in a circle for a moment of silence and then whole team wearing his number 16. The team said that no one on the team will ever wear that number again. The first batter up wore jose's batting helmet and hit his first home run of the year. He said that if you didn't believe in God, you better believe in him now.
Jose Fernandez's death was one of the most tragic things that has happened all year and our thoughts and prayers go out to him friends and family.